- A-1 Operator Club
- AC6V Morse Code Pages
- AGCW - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Telegrafie e.V
- ARRL - Learning Morse Code
- The Art & Skill of Radio-Telegraphy - Official Download Site
- Australian Overland Telegraph Line BBC Article on Morse Code
- Beginner's Guide to Making CW Contacts by Jack Wagoner/WB8FSV (SITE CLOSED)
- Chicken Fat Operators (CFO)
- Code Practice Oscillator Museum - by N4MW
- CW Facts and Operating Tips - Steven R. Hurst, KA7NOC (SITE CLOSED)
- CW Operating Aids
- CWOps
- Deutscher Telegrafie Club
- EUCW - European CW Association
- FOC - First Class CW Operators Club
- FISTS - The International Morse Preservation Society (US)
- FISTS Code Buddy Program - W9EM
- FISTS Number look-up
- FISTS Down Under
- FISTS East Asia (FEA)
- FISTS - K9YA, Robert F. Heytow Memorial Radio Club
- FISTS of Illinois - W9FFF
- FISTS JA QRP Club - Japan
- FISTS Northwest Club- K7FFF
- FISTS San Diego County - K6FFF
- FISTS USS Pampanito Amateur Radio Club, NJ6VT
- GACW - Argentine CW Group (English site)
- G0UKB - Pocket PIC based Morse tutor project
- HSC - Radio Telegraphy High Speed Club
- JARL A1 Club - Japanese CW Club
- K5RW - Neil McEwen's Antique Telegraph Instruments
- K7QO - Online code course, keys and paddles, QRP
- Learning and Using Morse Code by Bob Nellans, K9DE
- Learn Morse Code Online! by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK
- Lego Paddle Project by N9SSA
- MEGS - Morse Enthusiasts Group Scotland
- Maritime Radio Historical Society
- Morse 2000 - University of Wisconsin
- Morse Code: Breaking the Barrier By Dave Finley, N1IRZ
- Morse Code Deciphered - The meaning behind the code.
- Morse Code Music
- Morse Code Mnemonics
- Morse Code and the Phonetic Alphabets For those totally new to CW
- Morse Code Practice Java Applet
- Morse Code resources - VoiceNation
- Morse Code Translator - type in text and out pops beeps
- Morse Express - Everything for the Morse Enthusiast
- Morse Historic Site
- Morse, Samuel F. B. - American Memory, Library of Congress
- Morsum Magnificat - A wealth of Morse info from Britain (SITE CLOSED)
- Morse Telegraph Club, Inc.
- N1EA - SOS from ms PRINSENDAM; Marine Radio History; Morse Code
- N7CFO - Telegraph collector
- N7CFO Keyletter
- N5LF (SK) - Read Alan's comments about Restructuring
- NorCal Paddle Kit Instructions - designed by Wayne Smith, K8FF (PDF file)
- NW7US - Morse Code Communications Resource Site
- PA3BWK's Ultimate Morse Code Web Site
- RadioMasterList.com - resource for amateur transceivers (Daniele, IU3BLA)
- radiotelegraphy.net - an excellent resource
- Samuel F. B. Morse Papers at the Library of Congress, 1793-1919
- Scandinavian CW Activity Group - Founded in '74 to promote CW
- Society of Wireless Pioneers The folks who used CW on ships, at shore stns, etc.
- Sparks Telegraph Key Review - Many pictures of keys
- Telegraph Lore
- The Telegraph Office - K5RW's Definitive Site for History of Telegraphy
- Telegraph Wireless World by N6TT
- Telegraphy in Action by Jim Farrior, W4FOK - Telegraphy Saves a Life
- Union Francaise des Telegraphistes - (in French only at this time)
- VE3CQD - WARNING! Nothing But CW
- VHSC - Radio Telegraphy Very High Speed Club
- Vibroplex Collector's Page - KN6W
- VWOA Veteran Wireless Operators Association
- W1TP Telegraph & Scientific Instrument Museums
- Walt's World - CW and Other Stuff by Arnie Macy, KT4ST
- WB0JNR - Roger J. Wendell - ZUT!
- Why Learn and Use CW? by Bill Weinhardt/W9PPG
- W1AW- On-Air Code Practice & Qualifying Runs
- W1AW - Code Practice Files on the Web
Keys, Bugs and Paddles
- American Morse Equipment - CNC Machined aluminum Morse instruments
- BaMaTech - from Germany
- Bencher, Inc. - Straight Keys, Paddles and now the Mercury Paddle
- Begali
- Bulldog Iambic Keys
- CAL-AV LABS, Inc. - Straight Key
- CWforever.com - Ron, KA2BZS
- CW Touch Keyer - Zero Paddle Movement
- ElectronicsUSA - Pocket Mini-Keys, Mini-Paddles, Miniature Telegraph Keys!
- G4ZPY - Keys and Paddles (retired)
- GHD Key Products - from Japan
- Hensley Paddles - Highly functional Morse art
- I1QOD - by Alberto Frattini
- J.H. Bunnell & Company - founded in the late eighteen hundreds by Jesse Bunell
- Kent Morse Keys
- MFJ - If Morse code is dead, why do they keep introducing new products?
- Milestone Technologies: Morse Express - Everything for the Morse Enthusiast
- N3ZN
- Paddlette Company - Lightweight paddles
- Schurr Keys - from Germany
- uniHam - from China
- Vectronics
- Vibroplex Company Well known maker of keys, bugs, paddles
- WBL Owner's List - V22 | V2L
- WK4DS - Precision CW Instruments
Morse Code Software
- CW MIDI by Rob Dey, KA2BEO
- Cyber CW Contest - Cyberspace Simulation of a CW Contest
- DMorse Program by G0MDO (freeware)
- G4FON - Koch Method CW Trainer
- K1EL
- The Mill By Jim Farrior, W4FOK - Includes American Morse Morse Nostalgia
- Morse Academy Freeware - by Joe Speroni
- Morse Cat by DK5CI - A free Windows Morse trainer for beginners and experts
- Morse Code Teaching Machine Neat Morse philosophy
- Morse Runner
- MRX and MorsePower- For Windows 95/NT - from Australia
- RUFZ - Great contest practice program with world-wide competition for top scores